RFE: Ability to manually set ‘Render Region’ resolution [SOLARIS].

RFE: Ability to use CTRL, ALT, SHIFT modifiers with ‘Render Region’ for Uniform, Center or non Uniform Scaling (e.g. Photoshop style).

RFE: Ability to set ‘F-Stop’ from the viewport [SOLARIS].

RFE: Add a ‘Render to MPlay’ to ‘Display Option’ UI [SOLARIS].

RFE: Add ‘Radial Symmetry’ to Paint SOP.

RFE: Add Mirror capability to new Curve SOP.

RFE: Smaller default values for Light Tools [Distance, Brightness].

RFE: Ability to hide nodes in Node Network so that ones that are not useful, could be skipped when going up and down the node stream. (PageUp/PageDown)